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Learn how to pass your NYSTCE exam using one of our easy step-by-step NYSTCE study guides, without weeks and months of endless studying. Each NYSTCE study guide contains all of the information you need to be successful on your exam, including NYSTCE practice test questions that are as close as possible to the actual questions on the official NYSTCE test.

Take the next step in getting your New York teacher certification as you prepare for the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE) program.

Our NYSTCE study guides are found below with the official extended name of the exam or product in alphabetical order.

NYSTCE Assessment of Teaching Skills Assistant Skills Test
NYSTCE Bilingual Education Assessment - Spanish Test
NYSTCE Biology Test
NYSTCE Business and Marketing Test
NYSTCE Chemistry Test
NYSTCE Communication and Quantitative Skills Test
NYSTCE Computer Science Test
NYSTCE Dance Test
NYSTCE EAS Educating All Students Test
NYSTCE Earth Science Test
NYSTCE English Language Arts Test
NYSTCE English to Speakers of Other Languages Test
NYSTCE Family and Consumer Sciences Test
NYSTCE Gifted Education Test
NYSTCE Health Education Test
NYSTCE Library Media Specialist Test
NYSTCE Literacy Test
NYSTCE Mathematics Test
NYSTCE Multi-Subject Test
NYSTCE Music Test
NYSTCE Physical Education Test
NYSTCE Physics Test
NYSTCE School Building Leader
NYSTCE Counselor Leader
NYSTCE School District Leader
NYSTCE Social Studies Test
NYSTCE Spanish Test
NYSTCE Students with Disabilities Test
NYSTCE Technology Education Test
NYSTCE Theater Test
NYSTCE Visual Arts Test