A military aircraft on the tarmac with a cloudy sky overhead. Text on the image reads: "What is a Good AFOQT Score?" A yellow checkmark icon is at the bottom center.

What is a Good AFOQT Score?

The Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT) is a standardized test that measures verbal and mathematical aptitude, as well as knowledge of other subjects including aviation and science. The test is used to select applicants for Air Force ROTC and Officer Training School (OTS). It is also used to qualify for Pilot, Combat Systems Officer, and Air Battle Manager training.

The AFOQT is a multiple choice test that consists of 12 subtests totaling 550 questions. It takes approximately five hours to complete, including breaks. Candidates can take the exam a maximum of two times, with a minimum interval of 180 days between tests. Only the most recent score is counted.

The 12 Subtests:

Verbal Analogies 25 questions 8 minutes
Arithmetic Reasoning 25 questions 29 minutes
Word Knowledge 25 questions 5 minutes
Math Knowledge 25 questions 22 minutes
Reading Comprehension 25 questions 38 minutes
Situational Judgment 50 questions 35 minutes
Self-Description Inventory 220 questions 45 minutes
Physical Science 20 questions 10 minutes
Table Reading 40 questions 7 minutes
Instrument Comprehension 25 questions 8 minutes
Block Counting 30 questions 4.5 minutes
Aviation Information 20 questions 8 minutes

The Verbal Analogies section measures your ability to discern relationships between words.

The Arithmetic Reasoning section measures your numerical problem-solving abilities.

The Word Knowledge section measures your vocabulary comprehension.

The Math Knowledge subtest measures your understanding of mathematical terms, principles and relationships.

The Reading Comprehension section measures your ability to read and understand written material.

The Situational Judgment section measures your ability to respond to interpersonal issues and serve as a leader.

The Self-Description Inventory is a personality test. This section will not be counted in your AFOQT score.

The Physical Science section tests your knowledge of high school level physical science concepts.

The Table Reading section measures your ability to read tables quickly and accurately.

The Instrument Comprehension subtest measures your ability to determine the position of an aircraft in flight by reading instruments showing its compass heading.

The Block Counting section measures depth perception and spatial awareness. You will be presented with an image of a 3-dimensional stack of blocks and must determine how many blocks are touching a specific block.

The Aviation Information subtest measures knowledge of general aviation knowledge and terminology.

The subtest scores are required to create six composite scores which are based on a percentile for each area (0-99). Composite scores are calculated from a specific combination of subtest scores, which are all weighted differently. The percentile score indicates what percentage of test takers scored lower than you on a particular composite section. For example, a score of 89 means the candidate scored higher than 89% of all test takers on a given composite.

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Composite Score Categories:

1) Pilot: This composite measures some of the knowledge and abilities considered necessary for successful completion of pilot training.

Pilot score = Math Knowledge, Instrument Comprehension, Table
Reading, Aviation Information

2) Combat Systems Officer: This composite measures knowledge needed for the completion of CSO training, including verbal aptitude and quantitative knowledge.

CSO Score = Word Knowledge, Math Knowledge, Table Reading, Block Counting

3) Air Battle Manager: In addition to elements of the pilot composite, it includes the subtests for verbal aptitude and spatial ability.

ABM score = Verbal Analogies, Math Knowledge, Table Reading, Instrument Comprehension, Block Counting, Aviation Information

4) Verbal: The Verbal section measures word knowledge, reading comprehension, and reasoning ability.

Verbal score = Verbal Analogies, Word Knowledge, Reading Comprehension

5) Quantitative: The Quantitative composite measures your math and arithmetic reasoning skills.

Quantitative score = Arithmetic Reasoning, Math Knowledge

6) Academic Aptitude: This composite score combines all subtests included in the Quantitative and Verbal subsets.

Academic Aptitude score = Verbal Analogies, Word Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Arithmetic Reasoning, Math Knowledge

Minimum Score Requirements:


    • Verbal: 15
    • Quantitative: 10
    • Pilot: 25
    • CSO: 10
    • AMB: N/A

Combat Systems Officer:

    • Verbal: 15
    • Quantitative: 10
    • Pilot: 10
    • CSO: 25
    • ABM: N/A

Air Battle Manager:

    • Verbal: 15
    • Quantitative: 10
    • Pilot: N/A
    • CSO: N/A
    • ABM: 25

General Commissioning:

    • Verbal: 15
    • Quantitative: 10
    • Pilot: N/A
    • CSO: N/A
    • ABM: N/A