Types of Clinical Depression

Hey guys! Welcome to this video on the types of depression.
Five percent of the world’s population, that is reported, suffers from depression. Depression is incredibly difficult to bear and can feel dark and lonely. Not only does it cause emotional turmoil, but it also puts people at risk for heart disease. It is not something that should be thought of lightly, and if you are undergoing changes in mood or changes in thought patterns that last for over two weeks it may be best for you to speak with a doctor or mental health professional.
In this video, we will talk about several different types of depression.
Major Depression
Major depression is one of the four most common types of depression. In this state of depression, one will feel a devastatingly heavy, overwhelming, and debilitating mood of gloom and blackness. Someone with major depression experiences loss of desire for activities, including activities that they would normally find desirable. An exact cause for major depression is unknown; however, many health professionals believe that it may be due to chemical changes and imbalances in the brain. These chemical changes may be due to genetic mutations, a series of highly stressful events, or perhaps both.
Symptoms of major depression include:
- Loss of energy
- Fatigue
- Frequent crying
- Increased worry and anxiety
- Changes in weight and appetite
- Difficulty sleeping
- Feelings of emptiness and worthlessness
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent depressive disorder refers to a state of depression that has lasted for at least two years but is not experienced at the same magnitude as major depression. Someone with persistent depressive disorder is able to take part in daily life activities but will feel lifeless and unhappy the whole time.
A few corresponding symptoms to this depression may be:
- Changes in appetite
- A struggle to sleep
- Lower energy
- Low self-esteem
- Feelings of emptiness and hopelessness
Peripartum Depression (Postpartum)
It is not uncommon for many mothers to experience what is commonly referred to as “the baby blues” after giving birth. This could look like mood swings, feelings of sadness, feeling overwhelmed or anxious, spells of crying, trouble sleeping, or changes in one’s appetite. However, the baby blues are generally gone within a few days to a week, and treatment is not necessary.
Postpartum depression includes symptoms that are much more severe, and also last much longer. A woman with postpartum depression may begin to feel empty and worthless, and she may lose a desire for or interest in her baby. It is common that women with Postpartum depression struggle with thoughts of wanting to hurt themselves or the baby. In rarer cases, mothers will begin to hallucinate and act on those thoughts of hurting themselves or the baby.
This type of depression can take place starting anytime within the first year after the mother has given birth. Women who have experienced depression anytime before getting pregnant are at higher risk.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs during certain seasons then passes. It is most common during the fall and winter months. SAD may be due to the reduced amount of sunlight during the winter months, although some do experience SAD during the spring and summer months. People with SAD may have an imbalance in serotonin, which is a hormone that affects your mood. They also may produce an excessive amount of melatonin and a deficient amount of vitamin D.
Depression symptoms of SAD may include:
- Sadness
- Carb cravings and weight gain
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Feelings of emptiness
- Lack of desire to do things one use to enjoy
- Trouble sleeping
- Thoughts of suicide
Psychotic Depression
Psychotic depression exists in someone who has severe depression as well as a form of psychosis. This psychosis may be in the form of hallucinations, or delusions. Hallucinations could be hearing and/or seeing things that others cannot see.
Bipolar Disorder (formerly called manic depression)
A person with bipolar disorder will experience episodes of depression. They typically have really high highs. However, this manic stage is not sustainable and leads to self-destructive behavior, which is generally followed by a stretch of depression.
Another type of depression that is unique only to women is Premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
This is an extreme form of premenstrual syndrome or PMS. PMDD is known to cause extreme and even debilitating symptoms that get in the way of daily activities. Symptoms generally begin after ovulation and end as soon as menstruation starts, so basically during the second part of a woman’s cycle.
Symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Bloating
- Breast sensitivity
- Joint pain
- Frequent mood swings and crying
- Irritability
- Panic attacks
- Fatigue
Issues with sleeping and anxiety, though more rare, have been reported as well. To be diagnosed with PMDD, you must have 5 or more of these symptoms.
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD)
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder is a condition only diagnosed in children. It is characterized by severe irritability, intense tantrums, and raging anger. DMDD goes well beyond a few episodes of child moodiness. DMDD is only diagnosed in children between the ages of 6 and 18.
Symptoms of DMDD include:
- Irritability throughout the entire day, most days
- Three or more unexplained verbal or behavioral temper tantrums within a week
- An inability to function in most settings due to irritability
A child will not be diagnosed with DMDD unless these symptoms are consistently present for a year or more.
I hope that this video has been helpful! See you next time!