TOEFL Speaking Practice Test

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Read the following passage and then listen to the conversation. Lastly, answer the question that follows them.

The following text was reported by the University administrators to all students and their parents.


The University Public Safety and Parking Services Department has decided that, effective at the start of the upcoming academic year, only juniors and seniors will be eligible to purchase campus parking permits. While there have been a limited number of available permits for underclassmen over the past few years, the Public Services department and University administration agree that reverting back to the junior- and senior-only policy is in the best interest of our campus community. This decision comes with considerable deliberation and a majority vote. It was determined that the limitation of available spaces and resultant permit fee posed a prohibitive cost for many of our students. Additionally, we believe that reserving the privilege of on-campus vehicles for just juniors and seniors will eliminate the need for the extensive application and lottery process. All interested upperclassmen will now simply register their vehicle online and pay a nominal parking permit fee. Lastly, we hope this decision will strengthen our campus community by encouraging freshmen to stay on campus and engage in any of the many wonderful campus activities and social functions offered here and eliminate the safety issues associated with alcohol consumption and driving.

Listen to the following conversation, in which a male student expresses his opinion of the University’s new parking permit policy:

In 60 seconds, state and explain the male student’s opinion and compare it with the University’s Public Service Department’s opinion.

The male student, Adam, is unhappy about the University’s decision that freshmen and sophomore students will no longer be allowed to purchase campus parking permits. He has a car and enjoys getting off campus to see movies or shoot pool with his friends and thinks that as long as a student can afford it, they should be able to buy the permit. On the other hand, The University Public Safety and Parking Services department thinks that returning to the back to the junior and senior only policy is in the best interest of the students because there aren’t enough spaces for all interested students, so the permit fees are really expensive, which isn’t fair for students with financial restrictions. It also will allow all upperclassmen who want to have their cars on campus to do so instead of relying on the current lottery system. Lastly, the University administrators think that this decision will encourage underclassmen to try free campus activities sponsored by the University and prevent drunk driving.


by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: March 11, 2025