The Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) exam is a test used to evaluate the knowledge and skills a teacher must have to support reading and writing development in children who are in kindergarten through sixth grade. Your knowledge of research-based reading instruction and the science of teaching reading is used to explore your ability to translate your knowledge into an effective teaching strategy.
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Test Design
How long is the test?
The Teaching Reading: Elementary test is a 2.5-hour (150-minute) computer-delivered test comprising 90 selected-response and three constructed-response questions. Your exam may include a video or audio component.
What kind of questions are on the test?
Questions within the Praxis 5205 exam require you to analyze and respond to situations involving an entire class and individual students, including English-language learners and students with diverse needs and backgrounds.
Each question is designed to assess your understanding of the science of reading, as well as the five components of effective reading instruction identified by the National Reading Panel: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
Additionally, the test acknowledges the different approaches to pedagogy used in tandem with content.
The selected-response questions are derived from texts of various genres and require your competency with strategies for handling text types with students, including print, digital, and image-based prompts. The constructed-response questions allow you to show your understanding of early literacy, developing reading instruction, and written expression.
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Exam Outline
The Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) exam comprises six content categories. When you are reviewing the categories, take an inventory of your knowledge. In other words, identify how well you know the content, the resources you need to complete your understanding, and where you can find those resources.
The Praxis 5205 exam reviews and assesses your knowledge of multiple approaches to the pedagogy used alongside content, including integrating skills and embedding student instruction within the context and in isolation. As mentioned earlier, the constructed-response questions allow you to display your knowledge and understanding of early literacy, develop reading instruction and written expression, selecting appropriate instructional strategies and materials based on the assessment information.
Exam Registration, Cost, and Dates
You can register for the exam online, and you will need to pay the $156.00 testing fee to take the exam. Payment is accepted with a MasterCard, Visa, or debit card. You can choose to test at home using a remote proctor, or you can take the exam at a testing center. Testing centers are available nationwide and internationally. At-home testing is not available for individuals not residing in the United States, a US territory, or Canada.
The exam is available for scheduling for three weeks every month, from January to August.
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Test Day
Your preparation on test day depends on the method you choose for test delivery, whether it be at home or a testing center.
Taking the test at home
The rules for remote testing are pretty thorough. Be sure you follow all the directions and test your equipment before your testing appointment time. Your remote proctor will ask to see your workspace, and you must always leave the camera and microphone on. If you test at home, make sure your working area is clean and all outside resource materials are removed. If you have more than one monitor, ensure the extra monitors are disconnected.
Taking the test at a testing center
If you go to a testing center, follow the rules provided to you after you register. Take the required identification and leave valuables and non-approved items at home. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to complete the required paperwork. Your test time includes a brief computer familiarization tutorial.
Exam Results and Scoring
Your official results are available in your Praxis account 3-4 weeks after your testing date. An email notification is sent when your official score is posted to your account. Additionally, your scores are sent automatically to up to four score recipients of your choosing at no cost. You may identify more recipients for an additional charge. Regardless, you must determine where you want your score report sent when you register for the exam.
The score required to pass varies by state credentialing requirements but usually ranges between 150 and 160 points. Your state agency will provide the required passing score for the exam.
Selected-response questions are scored by computer, and incorrect responses are not counted. Two or more professional educators score the constructed-response questions. Your constructed-response section is scored separately and then incorporated into your final score.
Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) Online Prep Course
If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online Praxis (5205) prep course designed to give you everything you need to succeed!
Here’s what you’ll find in the Praxis (5205) course:
- 50+ Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
- Over 350 Praxis Practice Questions
- 40+ Video Tutorials
- 300+ Digital Flashcards
- Money-back Guarantee
- Mobile Access
Everyone learns differently, so we’ve tailored the Praxis (5205) online prep course to ensure every learner has what they need to prepare for the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) exam.
Click below to check it out!
How to Pass the Exam
Methods for learning and retaining information vary from person to person. Sometimes you need the lecture, and sometimes you need something more interactive and visual. We have developed three learning tools to help you get the most out of your preparation: an online study course, a flashcard study system, and a Praxis 5205 study guide. Use one or all three to prepare for your exam and get ready to ace your state certification!