Praxis Gifted Education (5358) Practice Test

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The Praxis Gifted Education exam is designed to measure the knowledge and skills that are essential for entry-level educators of gifted students.

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Praxis Gifted Education Exam Outline

The Praxis Gifted Education exam contains 120 selected-response questions, and you will be given a time limit of 2 hours.

The exam is split into five content categories, which are designed to cover the various competencies and points of knowledge that a gifted education teacher should possess.

I. Development and Characteristics of Gifted Students (25 questions)

The questions in this category assess your knowledge and skills pertaining to the following:

  • Advanced developmental milestones of gifted students in all domains
  • The relation of asynchronous development yo giftedness
  • Early indicators of giftedness
  • Indicators of giftedness in all stages of development
  • The role of stakeholders in supporting the development of giftedness
  • Similarities and differences between gifted students and the general student population
  • Characteristics associated with different types of giftedness
  • Cognitive characteristics of gifted students
  • Range of social and emotional characteristics of gifted students
  • Variety of factors that may affect the development of gifted students
  • Common stereotypes associated with gifted students
  • Causes for underachievement in gifted students
  • Coexisting conditions and exceptionalities that may affect gifted students

II. Learning Environment for Gifted Students (23 questions)

The questions in this category assess your knowledge and skills pertaining to the following:

  • The impact of a safe, equitable, positive, and supportive environment on learning
  • Continuum of placement and delivery of service options for gifted students
  • Influence of emotional and social development on the learning of gifted students
  • Developing the nonacademic skills of gifted students
  • The relation of identification models to delivery models
  • Creating a learning environment that addresses the characteristics and needs of gifted students
  • Instructional activities that are specific to the development of complex cognitive processes
  • Promoting higher levels of thinking
  • Addressing underachievement in gifted students
  • Establishing and maintaining rapport with gifted students
  • Adapting a learning environment based on input from students and other stakeholders

III. Instruction of Gifted Students (33 questions)

The questions in this category assess your knowledge and skills pertaining to the following:

  • Basic concepts of curriculum development
  • Major models for developing curriculum for gifted students
  • Differentiating the general education curriculum to meet the needs of gifted students
  • Selecting instructional content and resources appropriate for gifted students
  • Designing instruction that provides opportunities or students to investigate and extend areas of talent and interest
  • Planning instruction for the enhancement of communication skills
  • Planning opportunities for gifted students to access and use technology
  • Importance of involving students in planning, implementing, and evaluating their learning
  • Types of assessment data that are used to inform instruction
  • Developing observable and measurable instructional objectives
  • Developing and implementing lesson plans
  • Strategies for instructing gifted students
  • Pacing instruction to meet the needs of individual students
  • Developing metacognitive thinking in gifted students
  • Facilitating the transfer of knowledge and skills in specific areas of student development
  • Strategies for teaching students self-advocacy and self-regulatory skills
  • Addressing the needs of the profoundly gifted

IV. Identification and Assessment of Gifted Students (22 questions)

The questions in this category assess your knowledge and skills pertaining to the following:

  • Basic terminology used in assessment
  • Assessment instruments and their uses, strengths, and limitations
  • Various purposes of assessment
  • Legal and ethical practices related to the identification, assessment, and placement of gifted students
  • Developing assessments to measure student learning and progress
  • Reporting assessment data to stakeholders
  • Interpreting assessment data
  • Procedures and processes for nominating and identifying gifted students
  • Commonly used qualitative assessments associated with identifying giftedness
  • Using alternative assessments to identify giftedness
  • Factors that can lead to the misidentification of gifted students

V. Professionalism (17 questions)

The questions in this category assess your knowledge and skills pertaining to the following:

  • Major theories, foundations, and philosophies of gifted education
  • Major legislation regarding the education of gifted students
  • Legal and ethical implications of regulations, laws, and court cases related to the student and teacher rights
  • Rationales, principles, and goals of gifted education
  • Publications and professional organizations relevant to the field of gifted education
  • Locating and evaluating information on trends, issues, and research
  • Applying theory and research in gifted education
  • Collaborating with colleagues and school personnel to address the social, emotional, and academic needs of gifted students
  • Serving as a resource for supplementary opportunities for gifted students outside of school
  • The impact of giftedness on individuals, families, and society
  • Helping families understand the implications of a student’s giftedness
  • Communicating with parents and caregivers about students’ progress and needs
  • The role of an advocate for gifted education

Exam Registration

To register for the Praxis Gifted Education exam, you will need to create an online account with ETS. Through this account, you can submit an application to take the exam.

During registration, you will be asked to select the test-taking format (remote or at a testing center), test location (if you are taking the test at a testing center), and test date. You will also need to pay the $130 exam fee.

Test Day

In-person Testing

You should arrive at the testing center 15-30 minutes before the scheduled testing appointment to allow extra time for the check-in process. For this process, you will be asked to provide a printed copy of your admission ticket and two forms of valid identification.

You will also be asked to store all personal items, such as your cell phone, wallet, keys, and accessories, in a secure locker before entering the testing area.

Once the check-in process is complete and you are fully approved for testing, you will be led to the testing station and given a brief tutorial on the testing system.

Remote Testing

To take the exam remotely, you must use a laptop or desktop computer that has the ETS Secure Test Browser downloaded and installed on it. This is the browser you must use to take the exam. You will also need a functioning webcam, speakers, and a microphone.

When you check in to take the exam, the remote proctor will ask you to show proof of identification and to move your webcam around the room so that your testing area can be observed. Once the proctor has approved your testing area, they will walk you through the testing process and begin your exam.

How the Exam is Scored

Your Praxis Gifted Education exam score is based on the number of questions you answer correctly (your raw score). Your raw score is converted to a scaled score. The scaled score you need to obtain differs slightly depending on which state you take the exam in, but most states require a minimum scaled score of 157.

You should receive an official score report about five weeks after testing.



How many questions are on the Praxis Gifted Education exam?


There are 120 selected-response questions on the exam.


How long is the Praxis Gifted Education exam?


The time limit for this exam is 2 hours.


What is the passing score for the Praxis Gifted Education exam?


The score you need to pass the exam will vary depending on which state you take the exam in.


How much does the Praxis Gifted Education exam cost?


The examination fee is $130.

By Eric Richter

Eric is the Product Development Manager responsible for developing and updating the Mometrix Teacher Certification and K-12 products. Eric has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a master’s of education in Teaching ESOL.


by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: January 14, 2025