A whiteboard displays four one-step inequalities: 1. x + 7 > -3, 2. 3 ≥ x - 2, 3. -4x ≥ 16, 4. x < 1. Text above reads "Solving One-Step Inequalities." A Mometrix Test Preparation logo is in the bottom right.

Solving One-Step Inequalities   Return to Algebra I Videos

A handwritten list titled "Factoring Trinomials of the Form x^2 + bx + c" with three example equations: 1. x^2 + 8x + 15, 2. x^2 + 2x - 63, 3. x^2 - 13x + 22. Mometrix Test Preparation logo at the bottom.

Factoring Trinomials of the Form   Return to Algebra I Videos

A handwritten mathematics worksheet titled "Dividing Trinomials by Binomials" with three algebraic expressions to solve. The background is yellow with a logo in the bottom right corner.

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A whiteboard displaying four factoring equations for the difference of squares. The equations are numbered 1 to 4: x²-41, x²-36, 4y²-16, 16x⁴-49. The word “Mometrix” and logo are at the bottom right.

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Handwritten math problems are shown titled, "Converting between Standard & Vertex Forms," with four equation pairs. A Mometrix Test Preparation logo is in the bottom right corner.

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Handwritten mathematical expressions demonstrating the factoring out of common monomial factors, including examples involving variables and exponents, with Mometrix test preparation logo.

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Handwritten math problems on a whiteboard about dividing polynomials by monomials, with two examples shown. The text "Mometrix Test Preparation" is visible in the bottom right corner.

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A whiteboard displaying four problems related to dividing monomials, including fractions and exponents, with the title "Dividing Monomials" and Mometrix Test Preparation logo at the bottom right.

Dividing Monomials Return to Algebra I Videos

A handwritten math problem showing three equations for multiplying polynomials by monomials, with a Mometrix logo in the bottom right corner.

Multiplying Polynomials by Monomials Return to Algebra I Videos

A handwritten math problem titled "Multiplying Polynomials" with four equations listed. Mometrix Test Preparation logo at the bottom right corner on a yellow background.

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