Hey, guys! Welcome to this Mometrix video. Today, we are going to look at the main idea in a story.
Sometimes main ideas can be tricky to find at first. That’s why we want to help you guys practice so that you can feel more confident in your ability to easily identify the main idea in any story. You may have heard it called a topic sentence as well. This is the exact same thing as the main idea. Neither one is wrong, but for this video, I’m going to refer to it as the main idea.
Before we go on to the main idea, let’s first define “topic” and hopefully clear up some confusion.
The topic of a paragraph is the simplest description of what the paragraph is about.
For example:
The topic of this paragraph is studying. The topic should be composed of one word if possible, but sometimes it can be a very short phrase like “study hard,” or “keep studying.”
Main Idea
Now the main idea, like its name suggests, expresses the most general (or main) idea that the writer wants the reader to take away. Main ideas are always stated in complete sentences. Ask yourself, “What is the main thing that is being said about the topic?” So, in this case, what is being said about studying? “Studying is the best way to learn.” Oftentimes, the main idea is stated in the first sentence, like it was in this paragraph. However, it can also be found in the middle, or in the last part of the paragraph as well.
Now, it’s your turn to practice! I’m going to give you a paragraph, but, before we walk through it together, I want you to practice identifying the main idea on your own first.
We can see that the topic is friendships. One helpful clue is that friendships or friends is repeated in every sentence throughout the paragraph. Now, what is the general idea being said about friendships? Friendships are important! This is stated in the first sentence, and it is shown in several other places throughout the paragraph.
You guys are doing great, so let’s try another one!
So we know that the topic is choices, decisions, or actions. If you said any of these, you are correct!
Now, let’s look for the main idea. What is being said about choices, decisions, or actions? Let’s take a look. Every sentence talks about how our choices have an impact, and when we get to the very last sentence, it puts it very simply: “Our choices always have consequences.” So, there is the main idea. Great work guys!
I hope this video was helpful! See you next time!