The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) uses the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) examinations for individuals seeking admission to an educator preparation program, certification in Georgia, or wanting to become qualified in a core academic subject.
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Exam Eligibility
If you are seeking admission or are enrolled in a Georgia state-approved teacher preparation program, you must have approval from your program provider to take the exam. Individuals who have completed a teacher education program or seek state certification will use their Georgia Professional Standards Commission (MyPSC) account.
Exam Design
The assessment includes two tests you can take individually in two different sessions or all at once in one session. Test I and Test II have a total testing time of two and a half hours, and the combined test has a total testing time of five hours. The total testing time includes time for tutorials and directions.
Tests I, II, and the combined test are computer-delivered at an ETS testing facility. Test I and the combined test consist of selected-response questions (multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, etc.) and constructed-response questions. Test II consists of short-answer questions only.
You have two hours to complete 75 selected-response and two constructed-response questions.Test II
You have two hours to complete 75 selected-response questions.
Combined test I and II
You have four hours to complete 150 selected-response questions and two constructed-response questions.
The selected-response questions are organized into content subareas. In contrast, the constructed-response questions require you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding in two areas, English language arts and social studies, by providing in-depth written responses.
The descriptions of the content subareas are arranged by test. The only difference between Test I, Test II, and the combined test is that Test I and II are taken individually while the combined has both tests in one setting.
Constructed-Response Questions – Test I and the combined test
Your responses are scored on a scale of 0 to 3, with 3 demonstrating a strong, thorough understanding of the content, pedagogy, and student development.
A score of 2 indicates some understanding but is limited by the response, failure to answer most parts of the question, limited knowledge of content and pedagogy, and weak explanations inadequately supported. A score of 1 indicates a seriously inadequate response, and a score of 0 means the response is inappropriate and does not answer the question.
Allow yourself no more than 15 minutes for each question, and note that reference materials are not available.
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GACE Elementary Education Exam Outline
Test I
Reading and Language Arts – 50%
Content includes knowledge of reading for literature and information; applying foundational skills for literacy development, fluency, and comprehension; applying knowledge of the writing process, including the use of tools and resource materials; applying knowledge of speaking, listening, and presenting; and knowledge of English language grammar and vocabulary development.
Social Studies – 25%
Topics include information processing skills, history processes, and historical understandings, geography, government, civics, and economics.
Analysis – 25%
This portion of the exam evaluates your understanding of the different teaching approaches in classroom instruction for English language arts and social studies, including appropriate pedagogical practices for planning curriculum, designing instruction, and evaluating student progress.
Test II
Mathematics – 53%
Topics include counting and cardinality, operations and algebraic thinking, numbers, and operations in base 10, numbers and fractions, measurement concepts and data, and geometry.
Science – 30%
Topics include the characteristics of science, Earth science, physical science, and life science.
Health Education, Physical Education, and the Arts – 17%
The content evaluated in this subarea includes health and physical education concepts and influences, dance, music, visual arts, and theater arts.
To register for the GACE exam, you need to use your MyPSC account. If you do not have an account, create your account to receive your Georgia certification number. After you register for the Elementary Education exam on MyPSC, create an ETS GACE testing account. Your ETS account lists the test(s) you are approved to take. You will register for the exam through your ETS GACE testing account.
Test Price
You can register to take the tests individually ($123.00) or combined ($193.00). Your test fee includes a $25.00 registration fee and a $28.00 test center fee. Individuals taking the GACE exam at an international testing site are subject to an additional $50.00 test site fee.
Test Site Locations
ETS testing centers are located nationwide and internationally. When registering for your MyPSC account, select the testing center most convenient. There is a $25.00 fee to change your test date, test center, or test time. If you cancel your exam three calendar days before the exam, 50% of the testing fee is refunded.
Testing Windows and Score Reporting Dates
Registration for the exam must be completed two full days before your selected test date. There are testing windows available every month except December, starting in October and ending in August. Official scores are reported three weeks after the testing window closes.
How to Study
Think you aren’t a good test-taker? Maybe on a study-time crunch? Or just don’t know how to begin studying? Mometrix has designed a new Study Secrets course to help every student, no matter what study scenario you are in. Here’s what you’ll find in the Study Secrets Course:
- Techniques to Conquer Procrastination
- Steps to building a Study Plan custom to your learning style
- 7 Effective Note-Taking Methods
- Test-Taking Tips
- Memory Techniques and Mnemonics
- And much more!
Everyone learns differently, so we’ve tailored our Study Secrets Course to ensure every learner has what they need to prepare for their upcoming exam or semester. Click below to check it out!
Test Day
Here is the information you need to know about how to prepare for testing day and what you can expect when you arrive at the testing center.
Before You Arrive
There are a few things you should do before you leave for the testing site.
- Verify your testing time and location. Though every effort is made to contact you when something changes, it is best to double-check your listed reporting time and testing location via your ETS testing account.
- Print your admission ticket. Though you are not required to show your admission ticket at the testing center, you may be asked for it, so it is best to print it out and bring it with you.
- Gather the necessary ID documentation. You must bring the correct ID documentation with you or you will not be able to take the exam. Your documents must have the same first and last name that is on your admission ticket, be an original copy (no photocopies or electronic presentations), be government-issued, contain a recent photograph that bears your current likeness, and bear your signature.
- Review the list of items you should bring with you.
Items to Bring
- Your admission ticket
- Your valid ID
Items NOT Allowed in the Testing Room
- Pens/pencils
- Calculator
- Scratch paper
- Headphones
- Backpack
- Purse
- Tablet
- Watch or any other wearable technology
- Jewelry (exceptions are wedding and engagement rings and small stud earrings)
- Hair and clothing accessories (necktie, hat, scarf, jacket, etc.)
Report to the testing site 30 minutes before your scheduled exam. If you arrive later than the listed reporting time on your admission ticket, you will not be able to take the exam and your testing fees will be forfeited.
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When you have completed your exam(s), you are given the option to report or cancel your scores. They cannot be reinstated if you choose to cancel your score(s).
For Test I, since it includes constructed-response questions, you will not receive an unofficial report immediately after taking the exam. You will receive access to your official score report on the report release date associated with your testing window.
For Test II, you will receive an unofficial score report right after the exam. As with Test I, your official score report will be available on the report release date associated with the testing window of the exam.
Your official score report is ready about three weeks after the testing window closes. Your official report is made available to Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC), your program provider (if you have one), and any other recipient you identified at registration. You can view your official score report online via your ETS GACE testing account.
Passing Score
The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC), along with local education committees, established the minimum passing scores for the GACE content assessments:
- 220-249: Induction level
- 250: Professional level
If you take the combined test and one of your scores is at the induction level and the other is at the professional level, you will be considered as having only passed at the induction level.
Retaking the Exam
If you wish to retake the exam, you must wait at least 30 days.
Preparing for the GACE Exam
Plan to excel on your exam by familiarizing yourself with the competencies tested, question format, and practice test using the resources we have meticulously researched for you. With our study guide and flashcards, you will be a step ahead!
How much is the GACE Elementary Education exam?
The fee for each test is $123, and the fee for taking the combined version is $193. If you take the exam at an international testing site, an additional $50 fee is required.
Can I take the GACE Elementary Education exam at home?
No, the exam can only be taken at an approved ETS testing center.
How many questions are on the GACE Elementary Education exam?
There are 152 questions in total.
How long is the GACE Elementary Education exam?
The time limit is 4 hours (2 hours per test).
What is a passing score for the GACE Elementary Education exam?
To pass at the induction level, a passing score is 220. To pass at the professional level, a passing score is 250.
What types of questions are on the GACE Elementary Education exam?
The exam contains two types of questions. Test I contains constructed-response questions, and Test II contains selected-response questions.