Hi, and welcome to this video on clauses!
When learning grammar or improving your writing skills, it’s important to understand all of the different elements that make up a sentence. One of these essential parts is the clause. Using clauses in sentences can help you to construct ideas that are clear and concise or complex and creative.
Today, we’re going to discuss the different types of clauses and how best to use them. Let’s get started!
What is a Clause?
Clauses are made up of words or phrases that contain a subject and a verb., It’s important to realize that a clause is not the same thing as a phrase, because phrases do not have a subject and a verb.
For example, on the table, this red shirt, and because of the cold are all phrases. “Shelby jogs after class” is a clause: notice the subject, Shelby, and the verb, jogs.
Now that we know what a clause is, let’s talk about the different types.
Independent Clauses
An independent clause, much like our example “Shelby jogs after class,” is a clause that is a complete sentence. Remember, long or short, a complete sentence is one that can stand alone and contains a subject and a verb. That means that independent clauses can stand alone or be combined with another sentence. Let’s look at an example.
This sentence is an independent clause because it is a complete sentence that stands alone and contains both a subject, I, and a verb, like. How about this one?
Here, the independent clause in the sentence is at the end. “I will come to the party” can stand alone as a complete sentence, since it has a subject, I, and verb, will come.
Unlike an independent clause, dependent clauses cannot stand alone. They are sentence fragments that need to be combined with an independent clause to be grammatically correct. For instance, let’s look at this last example again.
We already know that everything after the comma is an independent clause, but what about the first half of the sentence? “If I finish work before 7” is not a complete sentence. However, when we combine it with an independent clause, we now have a complete sentence.
Let’s look at another type of clause: the noun clause.
Noun Clauses
A noun clause is a group of words that acts as one noun. Noun clauses are always dependent clauses and start with words like how, that, or wh- words like what, who, which, when, where, and why.
For example:
In this sentence, the noun clause is “when she fell asleep,” because not only does it start with the word when, but the phrase “when she went to sleep” is also a longer way of describing bedtime, which is a noun. A trick to test if a clause is acting as a noun is to replace the clause with a pronoun. If the sentence still flows with the pronoun in place, then we know the phrase or clause is acting as a noun. Let’s try another example.
In this sentence, we can see the noun clause is “what time it was.” The clause starts with one of the identifier words, what, and the phrase also describes the time, but with just a few more words. What if we replaced the phrase with the pronoun, it?
“He didn’t know it” is still a complete sentence, so we know that the phrase “what time it was” is in fact acting as a noun.
Adjective Clauses
Adjective clauses are groups of words that modify nouns and pronouns. They typically begin with who, whose, that, or which. The adjective clause usually comes after a noun in a sentence and must contain a subject and verb. Let’s look at an example:
Let’s identify the adjective clause here. Our first clue is the word that, which is one of the words that typically starts an adjective phrase. The phrase “that we saw last week” describes movie, which is a noun. It also contains a subject, we, and verb, saw, so we know “that we saw last week” is the adjective clause.
Adverb Clauses
Adverb clauses are groups of words that function as an adverb, which means they modify verbs, other adverbs, and adjectives. Adverb clauses describe when, where, why, how, how much, or under what condition something takes place. Here’s an example:
The adverb clause here is “because it’s late.” How do we know? Because this clause answers the question why this person took an Uber. Here’s another sentence:
“Before you got home” is the adverb clause in this sentence because it answers the question of when something took place.
Now, before we go, let’s go over a few review questions to test your knowledge of clauses.
1. What clause is highlighted in this sentence?
- Adjective Clause
- Noun Clause
- Adverb Clause
- Verb Clause
2. What clause is highlighted in this sentence?
- Adjective Clause
- Noun Clause
- Adverb Clause
- Dependent Clause
3. Which part of this sentence is an adjective clause?
- “about 56,000 people”
- “which is the largest island in the world”
- “The territory of Greenland”
- “has a population”
I hope this review of clauses was helpful! Thanks for watching, and happy studying!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a clause?
A clause is a phrase that contains a subject and a verb. A clause can be its own fully formed sentence, or a sentence can be made of multiple clauses.
What is a dependent clause?
A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb, but it does not express a complete thought or idea. Because of this, it depends on another clause to create a complete sentence. A dependent clause is also called a subordinate clause. Here are some examples of dependent clauses:
“Because the lake was so large”
“When Trina got to school”
“Which was only a small percentage”
What is an independent clause?
An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb, and it can stand alone as complete thought or idea. Along with being a sentence on its own, an independent clause can be joined with a dependent clause or another independent clause to create more complex sentences. Here are some examples with the independent clauses underlined:
“She worked on the project all day.”
”After school, Kaden ran home as fast as he could.”
Leo knew all of the quiz answers, but he was too nervous to remember them.”
What is a subordinate clause?
A subordinate clause (also called a dependent clause) is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb, but it does not express a complete thought or idea. Because of this, it depends on another clause to create a complete sentence. Here are some examples of subordinate clauses:
“After he left the room”
“Because of the long line”
“Until the bell rings”
What is an adverb clause?
An adverb clause, or an adverb phrase, is a group of words that functions as an adverb. This means that an adverb clause can modify a verb, adjective, or adverb. Here’s an example of a sentence that uses a simple adverb, later, to modify the verb will finish:
“I will finish this project later.”
Here’s that sentence again, but this time, a full adverb phrase is used to modify the verb will finish:
“I will finish this project after I do some more research.”
The adverb clause after I do some more research provides a little more detail, as it answers the question of when.
What is an adjective clause?
An adjective clause is a dependent clause that describes a noun or pronoun in a sentence. This type of clause answers the questions “which one” and “what kind” and usually appears after the noun or pronoun it modifies. Here are a few examples with the adjective clauses underlined:
“I haven’t finished reading the book that I was given.”
“She was talking to John, who had just come home from work.”
“My green sweater, which I received as a gift, is my favorite sweater.”
What is a noun clause?
A noun clause is a dependent clause that replaces a noun in a sentence. Here is an example of a noun clause:
“She was overjoyed by what she saw.”
In this example, the clause what she saw is acting as the object of the preposition by. Noun clauses can also be the subject of a sentence:
“Whatever you think is fine with me.”