The US Citizenship test is the last step in the process of attaining US Citizenship. The exam is administered orally by a US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agent.
US Citizenship Exam Eligibility
To be eligible for US citizenship, you must meet all of the following criteria:
- You are at least 18 years of age
- You are a permanent resident of the US for three or five years
- You possess a good moral character
- You have basic knowledge of the US Government (exceptions exist for mental or physical impairment)
- You have maintained continuous residence and physical presence in the United States
- You can read, write, and speak basic English, unless you meet ONE of the following criteria:
- You are 55 years old with permanent resident status for 15 years
- You are 50 years old with permanent resident status for 20 years
- You have a permanent physical or mental impairment that prevents you from fulfilling the above requirements
You can apply for naturalization if you have been a permanent resident of the United States for at least five years (or three years if you are married to and living with a United States citizen), or you have served honorably in the US military.
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The Citizenship Interview
The citizenship interview consists of two parts. The first part is a review of your application and the documents you submitted. The interviewer is looking for consistency in your verbal answers and the written responses on your application.
The second portion of the exam consists of an English test and a civics test. The English test assesses your ability to read, write, and understand English, and the civics test evaluates your knowledge of US history and government.
Accommodations and exceptions are available to those who have physical disabilities or mental impairments. To qualify for the exceptions, complete the appropriate form and include it with your application.
The English Test
The English test assesses your knowledge and abilities using basic English. Common mistakes are expected, and you can ask for clarification as needed.
If you are 50 or older and have lived in the US for 20 years, or are 55 or older and have lived in the US for 15 years, you are not required to take the English test. These exemptions are known as the 50/20 exemption and 55/15 exemption, respectively.
During the speaking portion of the English test, the immigration officer will ask you questions about your citizenship application and your eligibility to evaluate your ability to speak and comprehend English. You are not expected to know or understand every word or phrase on your application, but you are expected to form simple inquiries to figure out the meaning or intention. To pass this portion of the English test, you need to understand and respond purposefully.
A digital tablet is provided to complete the reading portion of the exam. You will be asked to read the sentence aloud that appears on the screen. This will happen two more times, meaning you will end up reading three sentences in total.
To pass this portion of the exam, you need to read at least one sentence without extended pauses and with all content words in use. Pronunciation and intonation errors are okay as long as they do not interfere with the sentence’s meaning.
During the writing section of the English test, you use a digital tablet to write up to three sentences dictated to you by the USCIS agent. Your response should have the same meaning as dictated to you and be written without abbreviation. You are not evaluated on spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors unless those errors prevent understanding of the sentence.
Once you have written one of three sentences correctly, you pass the writing portion of the test. If your sentence is illegible, does not communicate the meaning, or is written with abbreviations, you will not pass the writing test.
The Civics Test (2008 Version)
During the civics portion of your citizenship interview, you will be asked questions about American history and government. The USCIS agent asks you ten questions from a list of 100 civics questions. You must answer six questions correctly. You pass the civics test once you answer six questions correctly (and no more than ten). If the agent has asked you ten questions and you did not answer six of them correctly, you do not pass.
The 65/20 Special Consideration applies if you are 65 or older and are a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years. Under the special consideration, there are 20 questions to study, and you are permitted to take the civics test in your native language. You have to bring an interpreter who is fluent in English and your native language with you.
Content and Categories
The 100 questions on the civics test come from three categories: American Government, American History, and Integrated Civics. You are asked up to ten questions from the categories identified below. Once you correctly answer six questions, your civics test is complete and you receive a passing mark. If the agent has reached ten questions and you have not answered six questions, you do not pass the civics portion of the exam.
Three content areas in American government include:
- Principles of American democracy (12 questions)
- System of government (32 questions)
- Rights and responsibilities (9 questions)
Three content areas in American history include:
- Colonial period and independence (12 questions)
- The 1800s (7 questions)
- Recent American history and other important historical information (9 questions)
Three content areas in Integrated Civics include:
- Geography (8 questions)
- Symbols (3 questions)
- Holidays (2 questions)
The 65/20 Consideration civics test consists of 20 questions pulled from the American government, American history, and integrated civics content areas. You will be asked ten questions, and you must answer six of them correctly.
You can apply online or by mail; both methods take a similar amount of time from application to completion. The form you complete is Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. The total fee is $725, including an $85 biometrics fee and a $640 application fee. If you are 75 or older, you do not need to include the biometrics fee. A waiver or reduction of fees is available if you qualify. If you register online, pay by credit card. If you use the paper application or request a waiver or reduction, you register by mail and pay with a check or money order.
After receipt of your payment and application, USCIS sets your biometrics appointment. At this appointment, your fingerprints and signature are recorded and a photograph is taken. Following your biometrics, USCIS notifies you of the date, time, and location of your citizenship interview. It is strongly recommended that you do not reschedule either the biometrics appointment or the interview, as doing so could add long delays to the completion of your application. The average processing time, including appointments, is a little over a year. Rescheduling appointments will only increase your processing time.
How to Study
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Interview Day
Print the appointment notice for your interview and take it with you. Arrive 30 minutes before your appointment so you have time to complete the check-in process. The interview takes place at a USCIS field office determined by the zip code of your physical address.
Including your interview letter, you need to bring additional required documents. These documents include your Green Card, state ID or driver’s license, travel records, original documents for married or previously married applicants, and other documents that may be required. It is recommended that you dress “business casual” for your appointment.
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Exam Results
After you complete the exam, the USCIS agent lets you know if you passed. If you passed, the last step is to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States. It may be the same day of your interview, or it may be scheduled later. Your notification, called the “Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony,” indicates the date, time, and location of your ceremony.
If you did not pass the exam, you have two more attempts available to you. After your first exam, the repeat exam is scheduled within the next 60 to 90 days, if needed. After the third attempt, your application is denied, and you have to start the application process from the beginning, including paying the required fees.
How many questions are on the US Citizenship test?
You will be asked up to ten questions on the civics test.
How long is the US Citizenship test?
The time it takes will vary from person to person, but the average interview lasts between 20 and 30 minutes.
Is the US Citizenship test multiple-choice?
No, there are no multiple-choice questions on this test.
Can you take the US Citizenship test in Spanish?
Yes, there are two notable exemptions from the standard English language requirement:
- You are age 50 or older and have lived as a permanent resident in the US for at least 20 years
- You are age 55 or older and have lived as a permanent resident for at least 15 years
How much does the US Citizenship test cost?
The exam fee is $640, plus a biometric fee of $85 where applicable.
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